DBA - Center



Deep Brain Ablation

Innovative medical procedure in the field of neurosurgery involving the use of laser devices for the destruction and/or selective removal of brain tissue as a treatment alternative for neurological conditions of functional and/or tumor origin.


Epidemiology of brain tumors

Brain tumors and other tumors of the central nervous system account for 1% of all malignant neoplasms in the United States; mainly affecting children and adolescents with an age-adjusted incidence of 3.55 cases per 100,000 individuals. While in adults over 40 years of age they are considered the eighth leading cause of mortality.
Gliomas are considered the main histologic form of presentation with about 49% of the total number of cases reported. However, at least a hundred additional histological forms are reported that vary according to age, sex and geographic region. In Colombia, epidemiological data on brain tumors represented a significant challenge for the country's health system, mainly associated with difficulties in collecting accurate data to facilitate the establishment of priority prevention and treatment strategies in the health field.


Ablative surgeries

Ablative surgeries have represented a crucial advance in the care of a wide range of medical conditions, among which pathologies of tumor origin stand out; thus improving survival rates and the quality of life of millions of people around the world, increasing the effectiveness of oncological care worldwide. However, in Latin America, there are alarming socioeconomic problems that have historically limited the development of the biomedical industry, and therefore, have established barriers in the access to health services associated with generating high health costs and impoverishment of the affected family group.



We are an organization that aims to generate research initiatives on ablative therapies for the management of tumor lesions in the central nervous system, based on the establishment of a secure, centralized and collaborative platform to collect, organize and share high quality data related to the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of brain tumors.



We seek to pioneer the collection of real-time data on diagnosed brain tumors, providing healthcare professionals with a valuable tool for monitoring and decision making based on accurate data to contribute significantly to the treatment outcomes and quality of life of those battling these diseases.